Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An ethernet cable is used to connect a computer to a network.

Materials needed 1 networking cable with your desired lenght, 2 RJ-45 jacks, cable cutting pliers.

Step 1: Pull the cable out of the box to the desired lenght.

Step2: Strip the cable at both ends no longer than 3/4 on an inch.

Step 3: spread each seperate wire out.

Step 4: Place the wires in order from left to right light orange, dark orange, light green, dark blue, light blue, dark green, light brown, dark brown.

Step 5: sit the RJ-45 jack with the clip part facing down and place in hte wires, each wire goes into its own slot. Gold on the wires must meet gold part on the RJ-45 jack.

Step 6: check everything then clamp down the RJ-45 jack

Then on the oppisite end repeat steps 1-6

You test it my using the modular tester.

If you have trouble making the ehternet cable like I did just use your patients and keep working at it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Post #3

What is a network and why do we need it?

is mulitiple computers linked together and using the same internet source.

List the four benefits of using a network

1. you can store your information and protect it.

2. you can share information in schools with other people.

3. you can have more than one computer print to another printer by wireless

4. you can have many computers connected to one network instead of each individual one.

Differentiate between WANs and LANs.

LAN is a local area network and covers smaller area. it covers areas like schools, hotels, restraunts, and things like that.

WAN is wide area network and covers wider areas such as countys, states or countrys. WANS are usually made up of LANS.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Post #2

In this article a man named Albert Gonzalez pleaded guilty to hacking into some major
credit and debit card numbers used at retail stores. Albert hacked into many credit and debit card numbers 40 million credit and debit credit numbers were stolen by Albert. Albert
also pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud relating to
hacks into the Dave & Buster’s restaurant chain. According to Albert some of his co-conspirators broke retail credit card payment systems by installing sniffer programs into the payment systems at retail stores. Albert could face up to 15 years minimum in prison or 25 years maximum but according to his plea agreement he will serve 20 years. He also faces up to a 250,000$ fine. He also agreed to give up 2.7 million dollars, real estate, a Tiffany diamond ring, Rolex watches, and his 2006 BMW. All of Albert's cases are being investigated by the secret service.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Post # 1

What is the purpose of a blog? What pros and cons do you see about blogs? Are they safe? Why/Why not. Explain how blogs could be used as an educational tool.

The purpose of a blog could be many different things. Such as communicating, personal use, posting pictures for family that lives out of town to see etc. The pros and cons of blogs are blogs could be good for posting pictures and things of family for other family members to see but it could be bad if the wrong people see the pictures. But they can be safe if you use precaution and keep your blog safe from people that you don't know. It could be used as an educatonal tool because teachers could post assignments and things on it.